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ACC Launches ESI Survey to Track Chemical Industry's Economic Outlook

Published on 2023-08-23. Edited By : SpecialChem

ACC Launches ESI Survey to Track Chemical Industry's Economic OutlookAmerican Chemistry Council (ACC) launched a new tool called the Economic Sentiment Index (ESI) Survey to help get a snapshot of what things look like for the chemical industry.

Quarterly Index for Key Business Variables

ESI is a quarterly index that ACC created to help better understand the state of the chemical industry. The index captures the collective perspective of member companies regarding their business activities, customer market demand and the economic situation in the current quarter, and their expectations for the coming six months.

The ESI is a composite index comprised of several sub-components that track changes in chemical manufacturers’ perspectives on key business variables including:

  • Business activity (new orders, production levels)
  • Costs (inputs, energy, transportation, labor)
  • Labor (levels, availability)
  • Capital (spending)
  • Inventories
  • Supplier Deliveries Times

Global Economic Sentiment Shifts

They expect global economic conditions to stabilize somewhat in the second half of 2023 with about half of companies expecting more of the same and an even split between those expecting improvement or deterioration in economic conditions.

  • Future Demand: US chemical manufacturers anticipate an improvement in demand from major customer markets and improvement in their own company’s activity level overall (e.g., sales, production, output) by the end of Q3 2023. They see gains in key business variables including output indicators like volume of new orders and production levels.
  • Investment: Almost half of the companies surveyed expect to see an increase in capital spending in the second half of this year.
  • Outlook: Chemical manufacturers’ sentiment about the economic situation improved for the global economy but further deterioration is expected for the U.S. economy in the coming months.
  • Bellwether: Cautious optimism amongst chemical manufacturers is something to watch because chemical industry activity is a good predictor of future economic activity given the industry’s position early in the supply chain for many economic segments.

Improve EPA’s Chemical Management Program

The chemical industry is at the headwaters of the economy. Chemicals are essential for growing food, producing energy, delivering safe drinking water, and making life-saving medicines and equipment. Chemical manufacturing is also crucial to supporting national priorities, including energy independence and competing with other countries in critical technologies, such as producing world-class semiconductors and batteries, components, and infrastructure for electric vehicles.

To move production back to America, the country must manufacture and move more chemicals to America. Policymakers can help by improving EPA’s chemical management program to support critical uses of existing chemicals as well as the development of innovative chemistries.

Similarly, reforming the country’s permitting program would help bring more American manufacturing online. It is also important that we fix problems that will help remove barriers in the supply chain by adopting modern transportation policies for freight rail, ocean shipping and trucking.

Source: American Chemistry Council

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