Adhesives Ingredients
Industry News

cph Group Partners with Novidon for Starch-based Labeling Adhesives Marketing

Published on 2020-11-12. Edited By : SpecialChem

TAGS:  Natural-based Adhesives    

cph Group Partners with Novidon for Starch based Labeling Adhesives Marketingcph Deutschland Chemie and Novidon signed a joint cooperation and marketing agreement for sustainable starch based labeling adhesives.

As cph is a global market leader in the field of sustainable labeling adhesives, we very much look forward to this partnership. The development team of cph has shown us that we are on the right way. With the know-how of 45 years in labeling adhesives, as well as their leading position in sustainability in this sector we are happy that cph will bring a labeling adhesive, based on our novelty, to the global market”, said Christiaan Oei, commercial director of Novidon.

Extracting Starch During Chips Production

Compared to the traditional way of extracting potato starch, Novidon extracts starch as a co-product released during the production of potatoes into French fries and chips. It makes it more sustainable and more attractive for cph as a raw material as edibles are not being used.

I have been working for a long time in order to sign this agreement. From the moment I have heard about their innovative idea I knew that they would be the perfect partner for cph. This cooperation brings us in the unique position to increase the sustainability in the value chain of our labeling adhesives. Besides our general environmental caution during the production of our adhesives, we are now able to go even one step ahead by using sustainable potato starch”, said Dr. Gerwin U. Schüttpelz, chief executive officer of cph group.

The product series will be named REGAIN and will be taken care off in a joined R&D project, leaded by Tom Brooijmans, business manager of Novidon and Dr. Mathies Evers, Head of R&D of cph.

Source: cph Deutschland Chemie
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